Episode 5. Understanding Docker Images and Containers in Depth
→ There are two core concepts in Docker — Images and Containers
→ We use the pre-built images for our application eg python, node.js or organization customized base image.
→ Companies may have their explicit SSO for application securities.
→ We create a number of instances from the image (i.e. containers). The best part is no code duplication.
→ Additional code is just a layer on top of images.
Image vs Containers:
Containers: Here software is always running i.e. containers are running instances of images.
i.e. Image: Code plus template (Eg: node.js + app code)
→ We can think of images as a class and containers as instances of the class.
→ There can be one image. It can run multiple containers.
Getting Pre-built Image:
Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/
→ We can choose any technology as per project requirements. Let us use node.js. Search Node
→ We do not have to download the image (i.e. node), we just copy the image name
Let us now go to the terminal (or command prompt) for executing commands:
- Check available containers locally:
docker ps -a
Here we see all the latest containers available.
2. Import Image from Docker Hub:
Let us now import image node image from Docker
docker run <image-name>eg. docker run node
→ Let us re-run the command to get list of containers:
docker ps -a
→ This time we see a new node image is created and ready to be used. Also, we see automatically received names to the image.
→ To get the image + run in a container, we can use interactive mode.
3. Interactive mode:
→ By interactive mode we simply mean, the terminal can ask questions or show some message
docker run -it <package name> // container interactive modeeg. docker run -it node
→ We get a welcome message from the node (v 17.4.0)
→ It is important to understand, we have installed node.js in docker and not in our local system.
→ If we have installed node.js in our system previously, we see differences in versions.
→ We even do not need node.js locally
→ If we run the command again, we see multiple containers running to the same image.
docker ps -a
→ In the last module, we ran our first Dockerfile, and our application was running.
→ There we ran Dockerfile and ran the server, we will understand DockerFile configurations in detail (Check the video here)
FROM node // Use base image from Docker HubWORKDIR /app // Paste code insode /app directory of containerCOPY . /app // first parameter= copy all file from current directory, paste inside container’s /app directoryRUN npm install. // run npm install. (in container)EXPOSE 80. // Use port 80CMD ["node", "server"]. // Run node server (in container and not image)
4. Build the image from Dockerfile:
docker build .
4. Run the container from Build ID
docker run <image id>eg. docker run 0364ae96bd20f5d9361564e907d9f1f1656fca2d9f2996c0496ca713afdae76
→ We see a progressive terminal, which means our server is running
Docker Build — This command checks Dockerfile commands (returns ID)
Docker Run — Executes the image and generates the container
→ Let us go to the browser and run our server
→ Our application does not run 😳
œ Check all running containers:
This command gives only running containers
docker ps
docker ps: Checks our running containers
docker ps -a: Checks all the containers (running plus stopped ones)
6. Stop containers:
→ First, we see all running containers using the above command (point 5).
→ Copy-paste names or IDs of the container
→ Stop the container (can be single or multiple spaces separated)
docker stop <containers assigned name>eg. docker stop silly_neumann awesome_ardinghelli nifty_lederberg
→ If we run again, a container running command, we see no containers running
docker ps
7. Running with published port:
→ It is important to understand, there are two spaces — one inside docker and the other exposed outside (say browser).
→ The reason why our application did not run was that port 80 was of docker and not browser.
→ For this, we will run command, with published port
docker -p <localport:dockerport> <container ID>eg. docker run -p 3000:80 20364ae96bd20f5d9361564e907d9f1f1656fca2d9f2996c0496ca713afdae76
So inside docker port 80 is used to interact with browser port 3000 will be used.
→ Let us go to the browser and run our server
→ Our application runs successfully 😀
1. We did not run npm install in our code, docker handles it automatically.
2. We can also just use the first (few) character(s) — just enough to have a unique identifier.
docker run abcdefg. // will work
docker run abc // will also work
Closing Thoughts:
In this article, we have learnt core docker commands — build the docker image, run containers, check active and all containers, stop containers, publish port, interactive mode.
Practice these commands, it will become our second nature soon.
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