Understanding ADM — Architecture Development Method

Amir Mustafa
4 min readAug 24, 2023


→ IT is ever-evolving. If you are in the software industry, you should have worked in different areas of projects.

→ These can be developers, QA, Product owners, Architects, Scrum Masters, and many more.

→ Did you know before Software Development starts or before the Architecture of the application starts, there is a standard way to choose which software to choose, which technology, and even which Agile Software to choose?

→ There is a company called The Open Group — that provides TOGAF standard which is popular and used worldwide.


→ This is the heart of TOGAF.

→ ADM is a process to define Enterprise Architecture.

→ It is tested and repeatable.

→ I will try to make it short and from a high level so that we should be aware.

First Stage — Preliminary or Prelim

→ The ADM preliminary stage is like making a plan before building a house.

→ It’s the first step where architects and designers figure out what the building should look like, what rooms it needs, and how everything should be arranged.

→ They also consider the location, budget, and any special requirements. It’s all about brainstorming and making initial decisions before starting the actual construction work.

Phase A — Vision

→ In this stage the vision of the project is decided. Why should we create this application or ways to solve some business needs.

Phase B, C, D— BDAT

→ BDAT is simply the four pillars/domains of a project or application:

a. Business Architecture — Why build this app?

b. Data Architecture — Data to be secure, what Data Architecture to follow, etc.

c. Technology Architecture — Which tech stack to use — Java, Javascript, Python, PHP, etc. and why?

d. Application Architecture — This is basically Development Architecture, Infrastructure level planning, which cloud?

→ In this phase, Architecture is defined and all stakeholders should sign off for the same.

Phase E, F — Planning

→ This is basically the roadmap for transition architecture.

→ I was once working in a company where was given for technology modification. It was already built in .NET, now we have to modernize it into Javascript and AWS Cloud.

→ We have also architected the database relations in PostgreSQL DB.

→ The idea is before it was given to us somewhere at the higher level it was agreed. This is in Phases E and F.

Phase G— Implementation

→ Here Architect works with the — development team, to get the work implemented and establish the Architecture contract.

→ All the software development work comes here 🙂

Phase H— Change Management

→ This deals with the phase after the architecture is implemented.

→ This is where we make changes, where want to kick off a new ADM cycle.

→ There are things in the centre called Requirements Management — ongoing phase.

→ Here we look at:

a. things that are happening intermediate period of time,

b. examining changes in your industry,

c. and the new business requirements coming from the business team — here we start the ADM cycle all over again.

Closing Thoughts

Architecture planning is important for all projects. TOGAF is a standard followed in today’s time for software development.

There are lots of organizations that follow this standard. Some of them are listed above.

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Amir Mustafa

JavaScript Specialist | Consultant | YouTuber 🎬. | AWS ☁️ | Docker 🐳 | Digital Nomad | Human. Connect with me on https://www.linkedin.com/in/amirmustafa1/